Generally Be Specific
The Dawn of Improved Communication
Imagine human life without the ability to communicate, no speaking, writing or by visual means. Without the ability to communicate, life as we know it could not exist. That extreme, imagined, communication-void scenario illustrates the vital importance of human communication. The human ability to communicate a thought, idea or plan constitutes one of the human species greatest abilities but far too often a set of skills overlooked, misused and taken for granted. To successfully impart the intended meaning within a communicated verbal or written message, that message needs to utilize specific words as opposed to vague, imprecise words, pronouns, generalizations and stereotypes.
This proposed non-fiction book, Generally Be Specific, The Dawn of Improved Communication will provide an informative and entertaining guide to help readers better understand and improve all forms of communication. The book will examine human communication through the filter of speaking, writing and visually communicating as specifically as possible, making the case that generally, the more specific the words or visuals, the better a thought, idea or fact can be communicated. To keep this vitally important topic from becoming an English 101 lecture, the book will liberally use contemporary examples from real life, relatable personalities as well as imagined examples.
As outlined in the detailed book proposal, Generally Be Specific will begin by examining words, the basic component of verbal and written communication. The early chapters will illustrate how descriptive, specific nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs can help foster the successful transmission of thoughts and ideas as opposed to vague words or the overuse and abuse of pronouns. The book will also delve into examples of the traps and shortcuts everyone uses when speaking and writing.
The book will then explore the degree of specific communication in all forms of contemporary media, social media and entertainment to better understand the information and ideas being imparted to them. Visual communication will be addressed within these chapters. Thwarting specific communication, the overuse and abuse of generalizations and stereotyping in politics, race, religion, national and domestic relations will also be covered with examples.
Generally Be Specific will conclude by highlighting how precise and specific communication can be beneficial in all walks of life while avoiding the potential dangers of generalizations and miscommunication. The enhanced ability to recognize and differentiate specific from general forms of communication will be beneficial to the book’s readers conveying their own thoughts and information. On the flip side, in terms of communication directed the book’s readers, they will be better equipped to decode and understanding generalizations and stereotypes communication directed at them.
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